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Our recent Ofsted Inspection judged our school as a GOOD school and below are some of the key highlights from the report:

  • Pupils are happy and enjoy being part of this caring and welcoming school. They know that staff care about them as individuals.
  • Pupils recognise that teachers put a spark into learning to make it fun and enjoyable.
  • The school has high expectations for what pupils can achieve.
  • It has fostered a supportive learning atmosphere that enables pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), to succeed.
  • The outdoor learning programme adds considerably to the pupils’ experiences in school.
  • Pupils behave well. There is a calm atmosphere throughout the school. Pupils show high levels of consideration and respect for others, for example, they carefully listen to each other’s points of view.
  • Pupils are proud of the positive contributions that they make to the school.
  • Pupils benefit from trips locally and further afield that widen their horizons.
  • At the heart of this school is a shared ambition that pupils, including those with SEND, will have the best start to their education. The school empowers pupils to become reflective and resilient learners who are also team players.
  • Pupils, and many families, feel well supported by the provision that the school puts in place to help them.
  • The school’s work to promote positive attendance is very effective.
  • This work means that attendance rates are above the national average.
  • Staff choose activities and resources that support pupils to learn the curriculum well.
  • The school has prioritised early reading.
  • Skilled staff quickly identify the additional needs of pupils with SEND.

Latest Ofsted Report