Vision and Aims
At Brookvale Primary School we have high expectations for all children. We provide strong pastoral support and with a nurturing ethos we aim for all our children to move through school with confidence and self-belief. We offer children experiences that help build resilience, lifelong interests and happy memories. We work closely with parents, carers and governors and welcome your input as we are all on this journey together.
At Brookvale Primary School we want all our
school community to be:

We want everyone to be the best version of themselves

We want everyone to achieve and reach their potential

Lifelong Learners
We want everyone to enjoy learning, and become questioners,
researchers and problem solvers

We want everyone at Brookvale to be caring, understanding and to
celebrate diversity, EVERYONE will be involved and included

Healthy and Resilient
We want our school to be a healthy place for our minds and our bodies