Remote Learning 10.1.25
Have a go a writing a story using the picture below. Remeber to use capital letters, noun phrases and lots of description. Be as creative as you can!
Choose some of the lessons from the link below to have a go at - its all about the 2s, 5s and 10s times tables.
Have a look at the Chester Zoo website. Can you write a list of the 5 animals you want to see most. Choose one of those animals and make an information poster telling me all about it; What does it eat? What is it's habitat? Is it endangered? What does it look like?
Snow Day - Remote LEarning 9.1.25
Dear Parents and Carers,
I hope your children enjoyed some of the activities posted above yesterday.
Below are further links to work that can be completed today.
English - Comparative spellings with er;
Reading - The Wolf the Duck and the Mouse
Maths - Choose some addition and subtraction lessons from the link below to have a go at.
The link below has link to some science work in preparation for our trip to Chester Zoo,
I look forward to seeing you as soon as we re-open.
Stay safe and keep warm,
Mr. Hidden
Autumn English Curriculum and Texts

Spring English Curriculum and texts

Insert content here
Summer Texts

Helpful Information
Chidlren can take home a reading book for pleasure each day. As long at their reading diary has been signed.
Depending on your child's level, a reading book that supports your child's ability will either be sent home or made available online.
We encourage and urge you to read with your child every day.
For Autumn 1: PE is on a Thursday. For the rest of the year PE will be on a Tuesday.
All belongings to be labelled so that we can find the owners as soon as possible - we appreciate it - if we work together it makes our lives so much nicer.
We are a team in 2H and you belong to it now!
2H Overview for the year


Maths No Problem

Wider Curriculum
