Welcome to 3/4L
Welcome to our class page. Your teacher is Mrs Lea and your teaching assistant is Mrs Edmondson.
Our class photo is below:
Working with Active Hope on outdoor activities
Residentials – Sleep overs
Swimming – Summer Term 1
Trips throughout the year
New and exciting work
Lots of laughter and new skills
Parent information
- PE: Our PE day will be on Wednesday. The children are able to wear their PE kits on Wednesdays - White T-shirts, black leggings or shorts with their school jumper or cardigan.
- Your child should bring a water bottle to school every day.
- Breakfast club and After School Club to be booked on and paid for online - Any issues please ask Mrs Lewis or Mrs Doyle to help you.
- Snack and trip money- all money should now be paid online.
- Spellings: A set of spellings will be sent home on a Friday. The children are tested the following Friday. We are working on Spelling Ninja and have been working on our spellings in class.
- Reading: We encourage the children to read every day and bring their books every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. We have a reading challenge to see if the children can read 100 books in a year. If you read atleast three times per week, you will earn a certificate. There will be a prize for the person who reads the most books! We complete shared reading lessons 3 times per week - we do something called VIPERS which stands for Vocabulary, Inferance, Predictions, Explainations, Retrieval and Sequencing or Summarising. This is to promote the different skills that are needed to enjoy and understand the life skill of reading. I will organising a Book Swap Day this will be an day were you can bring in a book and swap - this is a good way of reading different types of books for free! More details will follow throughout the year. I will organise more readathon sessions when we invite our families to read together as this proved popular last year.
- Times tables: TT Rockstars - your login details are in your homework book - keep practising your timestables and be the best at your multiplying and dividing skills. I will be setting up challenges against other classes - I know you will try your very best.
- Homework: Reading, spelling and multiplication activities on TT Rockstars. I will also be setting you projects to do at home and you will be given longer to work on this - let your imagination and creativity skills go wild! You could chose what you would like to do, More details will be sent out later on in the term.
Our Year overview
Our class had an amazing time at Chester Zoo, We loved seeing the animals and had lots of fun investigating where they lived in the wild. A great day filled with happy memories.
Our next class books are called Zeraffa Giraffa, we will be learning about the true story of the giraffe that travelled on the River Nile all the way to France.
This is the astonishing true story of Zeraffa, a giraffe who was sent as a gift from Egypt to France in 1826. A young boy, Atir, takes care of Zeraffa on her epic journey and the sailors sing songs as she gazes down at them. In France, Atir leads her through the countryside, and thousands of people marvel at Zeraffa. Paris falls in love with Zeraffa. The King builds her a special house in the Jardin des Plantes. On warm nights, the young princess visits, while Atir whispers stories to Zeraffa of a hot land far away. The amazing story by an award-winning author of a giraffe’s extraordinary voyage from Africa to Paris.
Our Class Reading Book is: The Iron Man by Ted Hughes - I am sure we will enjoy reading this book and answering VIPERS questions each week. This will be our shared reading book too. There will be a class project on this too - more details will follow!
The Iron Man came to the top of the cliff.
Where had he come from? Nobody knows.
How was he made? Nobody knows.
Mankind must put a stop to the dreadful destruction caused by the Iron Man. A trap is set for him, but he cannot be kept down. Then, when a terrible monster from outer space threatens to lay waste to the planet, it is the Iron Man who finds a way to save the world. I think 3/4L will have another favourite story!
We will be working on the following areas in maths in Autumn term:
Graphs Fractions Time
Fluency problems will start our day and we will have a number of questions to answers that help us gain confidence with our four number operations (Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division)
Useful websites