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Welcome to Year 6

6K and 6H

6K's class teacher is Miss Knowles and 6H's is Mrs Hart. 

Your Teaching Assistants are Mrs Dalton, Mrs Muscart and Mrs Ayres.

Useful documents for parents

Overview of the year


English: Please complete the comprehension task attached.  (The easier comprehension is the Duck Billed Platypus) Also spend at least 30 minutes reading a book.

Maths: Click on the links below.  Complete the starter quiz first, then there are slides to follow with the lesson and an exit quiz to finish with. You may need a pencil, paper and a ruler too. 

Science: To follow on from Thursday's task on fossils, this time we would like you to find out about the famous paeleontologist  Mary Anning. You can present your information in any way that you would like- poster, video or an online presnetation- it's up to you!


Above are the Maths and English activities for you today. For the Maths, there are 2 levels attached like yesterday. Hope you're all keeping warm and having fun in the snow!

Next week, we will be learning about fossils as part of our new Science topic. Research any dinosaur and create a poster or fact file about it to show your learning. 


Spring Term

We will continue to work on arithmetic skills looking at fractions, decimals and percentages. Then we will learn about measurement and area/perimeter/volume.


Some websites you might want to try!

COUNTDOWN: http://happysoft.org.uk/countdown/numgame.php 

TOPMARKS: https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/7-11-years/problem-solving



Remote learning Wednesday 8th January

English Task: As you might have seen in the news at the moment, there are raging wildfires that are damaging parts of LA in America. We would like you to create a report or factfile about them. Please include written information and drawings/diagrams. Spend some time researching about them first before you put together the report/factfile.  https://www.bbc.co.uk/newsround/articles/cm2e2yv9g27o  Please use other websites too for your research.

Maths Task: Complete the arithmetic questions attached below. You will need to copy the quesions onto paper and then complete them. There are two levels attached. Please get the children to show any working out particulary for the more difficult questions. The answers are attached in each document.

Something fun: A virtual trip to London with some mini tasks and activities

Go to this Sway


​​Science: Evolution and Inheritance 
Computing: Coding Playground
French: Playing Sport
RE:  Islam
Music: Classroom Jazz and Young Voices
PE: Dance 

History/Geography: Why is WW1 also known as The Great War? (Spring 1) and Country Life v City Life? (Spring 2)

Art/DT: Textiles: The Bayeux Tapestry (Spring 1) and Mechanisms: How fast can a buggy go? (Spring 2)
PSHE: Dreams and Goals




Our Spring Term Class Reading Book : Malamander by Thomas Taylor .

Keep reading when you can- at home and at school! 


malamander image