Welcome to Nursery
Hope you all had a lovely Christmas. As we are closed now due to snow and adverse weather conditions I have put some activities together for you and your child to do whilst you are at home. You could add photos and videos to tapestry if you want to. Please scroll down to see the attachment. I have put it with the newsletters and curriculum overviews.
In Nursery there are two members of staff. Mrs C Gibson is the class teacher and Miss Yasmine Cannon is the teaching assistant. We have split the children into key worker groups but the teacher has the overall responsibilty for assessments and reporting to parents. In Nursery we follow the Foundation Stage curriculum, which is made up of seven areas of learning. These are Personal, Social and Emotional Development; Communication and Language; Physical Development; Literacy; Maths; Understanding the World and Expressive Arts and Design.
All aspects of teaching and learning cover the seven areas of the Early Years curriculum. We teach through stories, topics and other subject areas such as speech and language groups, listening and attention groups and phase 1 phonics. Phase 1 phonics is taught using the 'Little Wandle letter and sounds revised, Foundation for Phonics' scheme and will start in Autumn Term 2. The children will learn lots of sounds and will take part in a variety of activities to support this. We will also do activities based around environmental sounds, musical instruments and their different sounds, syllables in words and robot talk. Activities to support this include listening walks, sound lotto games, investigating musical instruments, clapping syllables in words and talking like a robot. Reading sessions will take place once a week starting in Autumn Term 1.
- Our nursery sessions are Monday to Friday from 08:45 to 11:45.
- Snack is 25p per day or £1.25 for the full week. Please make sure you pay by the school gateway app. No cash is to be brought into school. If you have any problems please let me or the school office know.
- PE sessions are on a Wednesday. The children only need black pumps, which can be left in school.
- The children will be given a library book and a nursery rhyme to share with you at home. Please find the time to read the book and practice the nursery rhyme with your child. Encourage your child to talk about what is happening in the pictures in their book. Books will be changed in nursery on Monday. If your child does not have a school book bag, they can be purchased from the school office.
- Please make sure all of your child's clothes and belongings are named.
- Please, please, please do not allow your child to bring toys into nursery. They can get very upset when they get broken or lost. Please support us in this matter.
- Please send your child into school with a water bottle filled only with plain water please.
In nursery we use an app called tapestry, where we do observations and assessments of the children. You will be able to see what the childre are doing and learning in nursery. Very shortly you will receive an email asking you to sign up so that you can add photographs and comments about what your child does at home with their families. These will be seen by your child's class teachers. We can add comments about your experiences, which you can see and reply to if you wish.
We will be doing PE on a Wednesday morning in the school hall. We will be concentrating on spatial awareness, stop/start instructions, negotiating objects and other people and coordination.
We ask that the children have a pair of black PE pumps that can be kept in school. Please send these into school if you haven't done so already. Please make sure your child's pumps are clearly labelled with their name.
We will also get to play outdoors where the children can climb on the climbing frames, use the slide, explore the musical instruments, push prams, ride on bikes and much more.
Please make sure you send a pair of wellies into school as we will need these if the weather is very wet. Please make sure they are clearly labelled with your child's name.
Monday 6th January 2025 - school re-opens at 08:55 (closed due to snow and poor weather conditions)
Tuesday 7th January 2025 - school closed due to snow and poor weather conditions.
Wednesday 8th January 2025 - school closed due to snow and poor weather conditions.
Thursday 9th January 2025 - school closed due to snow and poor weather conditions.
Friday 10th January 2025 - school closed due to snow and poor weather conditions.