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3T Long Term plan


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Design Technology




In Year 3, we follow the Maths No Problem scheme and use a variety of resources to support our learning. We will be continuing to use our workbooks, journals and fluency books.

Also, now that we are in Year 3 we should already know our 2, 5 and 10 times tables, which we will continue to practice throughout the year. By the end of Year 3 we need to know by heart the 3, 4 and 8 times tables!

Times tables: TT Rockstars - your login details are at the back of your reading diary - keep practising!

Useful Maths Websites



This term we will be concentrating on dance, combining our work on the stone age. 

 Please make sure your child is either wearing their kit to school for the day or brings it in.

P.E. this half term in on Tuesday

Also, weather permitting, we will be working towards completing a Daily Mile every day!


Every Friday Homework will be set for the children to complete. This may be some Spellings or a project to complete. I may set this on Google Classroom or send it as a paper copy.  The children will have one week to complete the homework which has been set. If you cannot log onto Google Classroom, please let me know so we can check your username and password.

Use Spelling Shed – again login details are to be found at the back of your reading diary.