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Helpful information


We change our Reading books every three days. Monday, Wednesday and Friday. 


Children will be continuing to wash their hands and having hand sanitiser throughout the day - they are used to being squirted!  Equipment and tables are washed frequently.  Can I remind children that only essential equipment - ie) PE Kits and packed lunches are to be brought in to school.  Pencil cases and toys are not allowed - We have provided the children their own equipment in a pencil case.


Our PE days can vary depending on half term.  Autumn 1 PE will be on a Monday, please send your child to school in PE kit.  The PE kit is a black on the bottom, white t shirt and a red jumper. 

All belongings to be labelled so that we can find the owners as soon as possible - we appreciate it - if we work together it makes our lives so much nicer.

Useful INformation for parents

5L overview for the year

Screenshot 2023-09-15 071411

Spring English Curriculum and Texts

Screenshot 2025-02-14 102442

Maths - No Problem!

Screenshot 2025-02-14 103338


Art - Gagonka


History - Vikings


Science - Forces

