In Reception Class your teachers are Mrs Howard and Miss Morgan. The teaching assistants are Mrs O'Loughlin and Mrs Pitt. The children are split into 2 groups: The "Fishes" are with Mrs Howard and the "Butterflies" with Miss Morgan. The children share the same classroom and outdoor area and are sometimes taught in mixed groups.
Long term plan 2024 - 2025
Spring 2
Our storybook for learning is:
Please bring your child's bookbag to school everyday. Inside will be your child's reading diary and a storybook of their choice to share with you at home. We will change the story books every Monday and Thursday. Every Friday, your child will be assigned a levelled reading book through Collins ebooks online. You will also recieve phonics and maths homework and our "Rhyme of the Week" for you to practice with your child aswel as any letters/forms/invitations that your child recieves. Please check and empty your child's bag of paperwork each week. Thank you
Children can come to school in their PE kit on PE days and wear it for the day. (White T shirt, Black shorts or joggers and school cardigan or jumper.) They will need to keep a bag with their pumps in to change into in school.
Our PE day for this term is Thursday
To view your child's online learning journal please log in to Tapestry. You were given information on how to do this at the start of the year. Please also contribute to your child's journal by posting pictures of activities your child enjoys out of school. This will help us to see a fuller picture of your child's interests and acheivements. Speak to a member of staff if you are having any trouble accessing this journal.
The children enjoy a snack with milk or water every morning and fruit in the afternoons. The contribution we ask for snack is £1.25 a week. We have a cashless system in school. Please register as per instructions already sent out to you. If you have any problems then please speak to the office.
All belongings to be labelled so that we can find the owners as soon as possible - we appreciate it - if we work together it makes our lives so much nicer.
Please discourage your child from bringing toys from home into school.
Your child may bring in a labelled water bottle containing water only.