Our Y6 Buddies work with our younger children at lunch time to help them learn how to play and get on with one-another. They provide lots of different activities and are excellent role models for our KS1 children.
A Tour of Our Learning Mentor's Room
This is our Learning Mentor's room. It is where Julia Shutt our Learning Mentor works with children either one to one, in small groups or classes. As you can see, it is a very tranquil and calm room with lots of resources to support our children with their mental wellbeing. Thanks to our Buddies for making this film.

School News Feed
- General11 February 2025Parent Governor VacancyGood morning Parents and Carers, Please find attached a letter regarding a vacancy for a parent governor on our governing board. The letter has all the information about this role and what it entails. As a parent you can either nominate yourself or someone else. If you require any further information please ask at the main office. All nominations must be in by Friday 28th February. You may collect a nomination from from the main office. Kind regards Mr Moore
- Important5 February 2025Nut Aware PolicyGood afternoon Parents and Carers, Some of you may recall we have had a Nut Aware Policy in place since 2023. I would like to remind you that it is important that we follow this policy as we have some children in our school with severe nut allergies. Any exposure to nuts could cause serious health risks to those individuals. Therefore, Parents, Carers and Staff are requested NOT to send/bring food to school that contains nuts (especially peanuts). This includes all types of nuts, peanut butter, Nutella and food containing nuts. For example: • Packs of nuts • Peanut butter sandwiches • Nutella/ Chocolate Spread sandwiches • Fruit and cereal bars that contain nuts ie tracker bars • Chocolate bars or sweets that contain nuts • Sesame seed rolls (children allergic to nuts may also have a severe reaction to sesame) • Cakes made with nuts Edsential, who provide our school lunches, prepare food that are nut free and we do not supply any ingredients in food technology that have nuts or nut derivatives. Please see attached Nut Aware Policy. Thank you for your support with this serious matter. Kind regards Mr Moore
- Newsletter4 February 2025NewsletterGood afternoon Parents and Carers, Please find attached our latest newsletter. Kind regards Mr Moore
- Important13 January 2025Collecting Children from school Monday 13th JanuaryGood afternoon Parents and Carers, Due to the ongoing ice and snow around the school premises. I have changed some of the arrangements for collecting your children today. They are as follows: Year 6 and Reception collect from your usual door. Year 3 - year 5 can be collected from their usual doors on the playground. There is a path for you to follow. Under no circumstance do you or or children run onto the icy/ snowy areas of the playground. Please collect you child then leave the playground. Year 1 and Year 2 children are to be collected from the school hall. We will review the playground surface in the morning and let you know about drop off in the tomorrow. Hopefully, the ice and snow will have started to disappear by then. Thanks for your continued understanding. Kind regards Mr Moore
- Important9 January 2025Friday 10th January - School ClosedGood evening Parents and Carers, I hope you and your children are well? I have taken the decision to keep school closed tomorrow. The conditions have not changed today and the forecast is for more sub zero temperatures overnight and tomorrow. Safety is a priority for all, children, parents and staff. Teachers will set more work for your children to complete. Again, you will be able to find this on either our school website or teachers may send the work out via PING also. Hopefully, we will see an improvement by Monday and we can get back to some normality. Have a good weekend and we will hopefully see you all Monday. 🙂 Kind regards Mr Moore
- Home_learning8 January 2025Remote Learning 8th January 2025Good morning Parents and Carers, Due to school being closed, all teachers will be setting some remote learning activities for your child to complete. The activities will be on our school website You will then need to hover over 'our school' tab and then 'classes' then click the class your child belongs to. You should find some activities either on the top or bottom of this page. Your child's class teacher may also send out the links and activities via schoolping. Kind regards Mr Moore
- Newsletter20 December 2024December NewsletterGood afternoon Parents and Carers, Please find attached our newsletter for December. On behalf of everyone at Brookvale Primary School, I would like to wish you all a happy, healthy and peaceful Christmas holiday. We look forward to seeing you all on Monday 6th January 2025. Kind regards Mr Moore
- Important18 December 2024Railway Safety LetterGood afternoon Parents and Carers, British Transport Police and Network Rail have emailed all schools in the area with concerns of a recent spate of dangerous incidents that have been reported to the British Transport Police over the last week. The incidents involve young people trespassing and placing objects on the railways lines in the area near Bog Wood in Runcorn, on Wednesday 11th , Thursday 12th, Sunday 15th , Monday 16th and Tuesday 17th December. They have published a letter for parents, that I have attached for you. The letter also has some useful video links if you wish to watch these and discuss with your child to make them aware of the dangers. In school, I will be asking all teachers to talk to the children about the dangers of playing and trespassing on or around railways. Thanks for your support with this matter. Kind regards Mr Moore
- Event17 December 2024Raffle Prizes - Last Chance plus a few remindersGood morning Parents and Carers, There is still time for you to enter the children's and parent's raffles. You have until Thursday morning 19th December to enter both raffles. I have included a photograph of the 6 main prizes that can be won in the parent's raffle. There is a 10 inch tablet up for grabs plus other super gifts, kindly donated by Mrs Kirk. Christmas Parties and end of term - Reminder Children can come to school dressed in non-uniform on the the day of their party. On Friday as it is the last day, all children can come to school in non uniform and can wear their Christmas jumper. School also closes at 2:15pm this Friday and there is no After School Club. Thanks Mr Moore
- Event9 December 2024Christmas Performances - Change to Start Time to 1:45pmGood morning Parents and Carers, We have decided to adjust the Christmas Performance start time on Tuesday and Wednesday from 1:30pm to 1:45pm. This will give the children a bit more time after lunch to prepare themselves and also the staff in the hall to set up after lunch time. The performance will last approximately 30 minutes. After both performances, we will allow parents to take home their children including any siblings in other year groups. You will be able to collect your child/children from their classroom shortly after the end of the performance. Raffle - We will be selling hamper raffle tickets before each performance. We will also be completing the hamper draw after each performance. Kind regards Mr Moore
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