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Welcome to our school's website

Welcome to Brookvale Primary School website. We hope that you find all the information that you are looking for and that many of your questions can be answered.

At Brookvale Primary School we have high expectations for all children. We provide strong pastoral support and with a nurturing ethos we aim for all our children to move through school with confidence and self-belief. We offer children experiences that help build resilience, lifelong interests and happy memories. We work closely with parents, carers and governors and welcome your input as we are all on this journey together.

If you need any further information please do not hesitate to contact the school via email  sec.brookvale@haltonlearning.net or by telephone 01928 711401

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Our Y6 Buddies work with our younger children at lunch time to help them learn how to play and get on with one-another. They provide lots of different activities and are excellent role models for our KS1 children. 



Our Year 4 children had the opportunity to work with The Woodland Trust and Tim Kirwen from Wilder Things to start the extensive tree planting progamme in Frodsham. The children planted the first 200 trees and the Woodland Trust hope to plant 30,000 trees by March 2024. Three of our children, Italia Crimp, Charlie Duckworth and Archie Hodnett were also interviewed by BBC Radio Merseyside and appeared on the Breakfast Show!  

A Tour of Our Learning Mentor's Room

This is our Learning Mentor's room. It is where Julia Shutt our Learning Mentor works with children either one to one, in small groups or classes. As you can see, it is a very tranquil and calm room with lots of resources to support our children with their mental wellbeing. Thanks to our Buddies for making this film. 

School News Feed
  • General
    12 September 2024
    Safeguarding Information
    Good afternoon Parents and Carers, Please find attached a letter regarding safeguarding information. Kind regards Mr Moore
  • General
    6 September 2024
    A couple of reminders as we start the year
    Good afternoon Parents and Carers, Firstly, I would like to welcome you all back to school for the start of a new academic year and I hope you had a lovely summer break. Over the next fortnight, we will be sending out some key information covering, safeguarding, attendance and dates of events taking place, so please look out for these messages on SchoolPing. If you have issues signing into SchoolPing please let the school office know and we can help you. I would also like to remind you of a few other things. At the start and end of the day there are no footballs, scooters or bikes allowed on the playground. This is to ensure all children and adults are safe. Your child does not need to bring a football to school as we have footballs the children can use. Children on scooters and bikes need to dismount before entering the playground. It has also come to my attention that parents are walking onto the playground vaping. This is not allowed on our playground or school premises. Anyone vaping on the playground or within the grounds of the school will be kindly asked to leave the premises. Please respect the children and other adults of our school community by not vaping on or around our school. If you have not yet returned your green form to your child's teacher, please hand this in next week. The school gate onto our main playground will not be open until 8:35am each morning and at the end of the day, it will be opened at 3:05pm. A member of staff will be on the gate from 8:35am and at 3:05 each day. Thank you for your continued support and I wish you and all our children a very enjoyable and successful year. Kind regards Mr Moore
  • General
    23 July 2024
    Attendance Letter from the LA
    Good afternoon Parents and Carers, Please find attached a letter from Halton Local Authority regarding the changes to attendance. The guidance issued by the Department for Education in 2022 is in relation to Working Together to Improve School Attendance has now been updated and becomes statutory from 19th August 2024. The guidance outlines the responsibilities and expectations of schools (including governing bodies), and Local Authorities in relation to school attendance as well as reminding parents of their responsibilities. Kind regards Mr Moore
  • Newsletter
    23 July 2024
    July Newsletter and End of Term Information
    Good morning Parents and Carers, Firstly, Please find attached our July newsletter. Also, I would like to remind you that we finish for the summer break at 2:15pm tomorrow (Wednesday 24th July) and there will be no after school club. Also, as Y6 are leaving tomorrow it has become tradition to put on a guard of honour as they leave. If I could ask all parents to be on the school playground from 2:05pm so we can organise a route for our Y6 children to walk though and be applauded as they leave the school one last time. (bring the tissues Y6 parents!) On behalf of everyone at Brookvale Primary School, I would like to wish you all a very happy, healthy and enjoyable summer. We look forward to seeing you all in September and if you are starting your next chapter in Year 7, I wish you lots of luck as you move onto high school. Finally, school re-opens on Tuesday 3rd September at 8:45am. Kind regards Mr Moore
  • Event
    11 July 2024
    Summer Holiday Events
    Good afternoon Parents and Carers, Please find attached several flyers advertising events taking place over the summer holidays. Kind regards Mr Moore
  • Newsletter
    1 July 2024
    June Newsletter
    Good afternoon Parents and Carers, Please find attached a copy of our June newsletter. Kind regards Mr Moore
  • Sports
    24 June 2024
    Sports Day Reminder
    Good afternoon Parents and Carers, Sports day is this Thursday 27th June, here are the details: Morning - Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and 2 events will start at 9:15am 8:50am - PTA Refreshment Stall set up for Parents to buy some lemonade - please bring along some loose change PTA will also be selling some refreshments for children, these can only be bought after Sports day has finished Afternoon - Year 3, 4, 5 and 6 starts at 1:30pm 1:10 - PTA Refreshment Stall set up for Parents to buy some lemonade - please bring along some loose change PTA will also be selling some refreshments for children, these can only be bought after Sports day has finished There may also be a few other activities, including a penalty shoot out and a raffle for some Widnes Vikings match tickets so please bring along any loose change to take part in these. All money raised will be added to the school fund. Finally, the weather looks like it should be hot, so please ensure your child has a cap and a water bottle with them to help them stay hydrated. Also, if anyone has a gazebo that could be used for the day, can you let me know and we can set them up to provide shelter for the children when they are not competing in an event. I currently have three but would like a few more. Kind regards Mr Moore
  • Event
    10 June 2024
    Key Events for the Summer Term
    Good afternoon Parents and Carers, Please find below a list of key dates and events taking place over the summer term. Summer Key Dates June 12th June - Whole School Art Exhibition – displays outside classrooms - 3pm 18th June – Y3/4L Chester Trip 19th June – Sleep and Screens Workshop – Y3 and Y4 Parents 9:00am in the school hall 19th -21st Llandudno Residential Y6 20th June – 1M trip to Liverpool World Museum 21st June Y2H Family Assembly – 9:00am 26th June – Outdoor Readathon – Will take place in the afternoon / time to be confirmed 27th June – Sports Day -Nursery/ Reception, Year 1 and 2 will take place in the morning and Y3-Y6 in the afternoon 28th June – Y1M Family Assembly 9:00am July Week Beginning 1st July – Geography Week – Parents invited to lessons / times and days will be confirmed shortly 4th July – Y2 activity days and Sleepover 5th July – Y3T Family Assembly - 9:00am 8th July – Enterprise Week for Y6 - more details to follow 16th July – Y1/2E trip to Liverpool Walker Art Gallery 16th July – New Starter Meetings for Parents morning and afternoon 17th July – Y6 Prom 18th July – Music Assembly 19th July – Nursery Graduation Assembly -time to be confirmed 19th July - Y1/2E Family Assembly - 9:00am 23rd July – Y6 Leavers Assembly - 9:00am 24th July – School Closes for the Summer Break 2:15pm September School Re-opens – 3rd September at 8:45am Kind regards Mr Moore
  • Newsletter
    23 May 2024
    May Newsletter
    Good afternoon Parents and Carers, Please find attached a copy of our May Newsletter. Kind regards Mr Moore
  • Reminder
    23 May 2024
    Half Term Break
    Good morning Parents and Carers, School finishes tomorrow (24th May) for half term. School will close at 2:15pm and there will be no after school club. As it is the last day of term, your child may wear non-uniform. We return to school on Monday 10th June at 8:45am. Kind regards Mr Moore
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